Join Slow Food at Mellotone 3.14

Do you care about Cincinnati area farmers and other neighbors who produce healthy food?

Do you like to talk about eating well and cooking healthy foods?

Slow Food Cincinnati needs you! We are part of the international movement for good, clean and fairly produced food for all.

Our Cincinnati area group is expanding our board of directors – and other ways to get involved. We’d love to get your ideas and energy on board.

We’re hosting a no-strings-attached Meet and Greet on Friday, March 14, so you can meet us. It’s from 5-7 p.m. at Mellotone Beer Project, 1429 Race St., Cincinnati, 45202.

The first drink is on us!

Slow Food Cincinnati board members smile because we love what we’re doing!

You’ll meet like-minded people from Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, talk @ food and learn about our educational outreach.

We host several events a year to learn from local producers about “slow grain” growing, local coffee roasting, local wine production, chefs who use local ingredients and more. Our members also volunteer with Rothenberg Preparatory Academy in Over-the-Rhine to bring the farm-to-table methods into the classroom.

We celebrate local growers and producers with our Snail of Approval Award.

No RSVP needed for March 14 - just come! Questions? Please feel free to contact Slow Food Cincinnati President Eduardo Rodriguez.


Making ‘Slow’ Bread